02/06/2016 “Early-Career Academics in English Studies” (King’s College, London)

I’m really excited to have been invited to contribute to an event dedicated to the topic of “Early-Career Academics in English Studies”, including issues such as ‘gender, mental health, teaching and research, and international early-career research and mobility. The event is co-sponsored by University English and the English Association. I’ll publish more details on this event and […]

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16/03/2016 “Writing for Survival: Publishing & Precarity in the Lives of Early-Career Researchers” (Liverpool)

I’ve been invited to deliver this paper at the The University Press Redux Conference in Liverpool. You can find the full programme here, and the abstract for my paper below.  The processes, practices, and politics of publishing have a substantial influence on the careers and the lives of early-career researchers. A book – be it under contract […]

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